Week 2 Re-cap

Howdy, Big League managers. Congrats to the 16 victors and condolences to the 16 losers. Week 2 saw some very interesting matchups and surprising real life results. In any case, I’ll go over some housekeeping first: Housekeeping: That’s all the housekeeping for now! On to the re-cap! Highest Scorer: The Realest (163.24 points) This one hurts. …

‘Twas the Night Before Kickoff

‘Twas the night before kickoff, when all through the leagueNo members stirred, resting draft fatigue The lineups were set on the website with careWith hopes that touchdowns would soon be there The teams were snug in their arenas, so vast;With visions of Lombardis that would not be their last Even Matthew and I settled for …