Season Re-Cap and things to come!

Hello for a final time this season (barring unforeseen reasons to contact everyone)! 

Payouts are FINALLY coming now that we have reached the completed venmos. That being said, there is one update:

I promised money back for division winners – however, as you may recall, Shannon (aka Kansananasans) bowed out of the league a month in and has not communicated with me since. Luke (aka Heartbreak Tennessee) stepped in to ensure the league maintained its 32-team structure. Removing one set of dues leaves the division winner’s payback at $26.25. I believe this to be the most equitable outcome, but please let me know if you want the additional $3.75 and I will manually send you the remainder. 

Division Winners are The Good Guys, Skid Marks, Inches from 4th and Inches, Dez Still Caught It, MooseNOAntlers, Women in S.P.O.R.T.S, Jalen Hurts Better be Good or Else, and The Kingpins of Crime. Skid Marks were the overall top scorer for the regular season and will be earning a $70 bonus! The rest of the winnings will go to The Good Guys, Joc, and the league champ, Dez Still Caught It for third, second, and first overall.

With that out of the way, I want to give everyone a round of applause for another great year. I believe this to be one of the most interesting and innovative ways to play Fantasy Football – and we are likely some of the only people in the world playing as such. Co-Commish Matthew was instrumental in his infinite knowledge of all things numbers and lines and cannot be overpraised in creating all the spreadsheets. Furthermore, he will actually provide the write-up in the attached document with some fun tidbits about the season at large. 

In a previous email, I laid out some of the ideas/topics to be debated for next year, so I won’t rehash them here. That being said, feel free to reach out if you have new ideas or suggestions for improvement! In terms of expansion/league membership, we will likely experience some turnover and it would be great to grow even more! Did someone say 50 teams? That’s a longshot, but, truly, if you know anyone who might want to join, send them my way! 

That’ll do for now! Enjoy the stats, enjoy the post-season, and enjoy the off-season! Catch you all sometime in August! 

Signing off, your Trusty Commissioner – The Ghost of Goodell’s Past