Champ Week – Finale

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a victor

I proudly present your champion: DEZ STILL CAUGHT ITI want to thank everyone for an incredible second year of the Big League One Time Pick ‘Em Super Duper Extravaganza. This was a joy to run, and I am so pleased with the leap we took in our second year with spreadsheet wizardry, courtesy of Matthew Guzman.
I’ll be sending one last email after this one for the ’22-’23 season with a ton of statistical analyses, so be on the lookout for that. And it looks like we’re still shy of full payments, so I will directly contact folks after this is sent. 
For the record the finals went down thusly:
1st: Dez Still Caught It

2nd: Joc Pederson’s Pearls

3rd: The Good Guys

4th: Inches from the Podium (whoops I meant Inches, from 4th and Inches)

Enjoy your week! 

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