Week 16 Recap (Playoffs Round 2)

And now we have four. Your champion will be one of the following: End Zone Jones, Saquon Deez Nuts, The Hens, or She Sucks My Boswell. Thunderous applause to those teams who have weathered the storm of 16 weeks of pure fantasy wickedness. We’ll have a brief write-up today followed up later by some weed …

Week 15 Recap (1st Round of Playoffs)

We’re really getting down to it. Half the teams are gone. However, enter stage left, End Zone Jones & Scrantonicity 5. These two heavy hitters have been sitting in the wings, licking their wounds and giving their teams pep talks! Boa sorte to those teams still vying for the crown! Interesting note, all previous runners-up …

Regular Season Finale Recap

words of wisdom: “Just win, baby” – Al Davis — Turner Manley Well, just like that another excellent regular season concludes. The season will continue for 14 lucky teams. I will be putting together some exit survey material for everyone so we can get feedback on this year. In any case, we move on with …